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Leasing Program
Leasing a horse is a good option for clients looking to become more involved with horses without the initial cost of purchasing a horse. When you lease a horse with us, that horse is reserved for you in your lessons and showing opportunities may be available if you are interested.

Leasing Options:
$480/month ~ includes 2 lessons & 1 'practice ride' per week.
$300/month ~ includes 1 lesson & 1 'practice ride' per week.
Lesson Times & Practice Rides must be scheduled in advance.
A 'Practice Ride' is considered free time with the leased horse. It is supervised, but it is not a structured lesson. Rider may choose to work on topics from previous lessons or enjoy a leisurely ride.
Opportunities for showing may be discussed with Jess. Show costs such as horse use, trailering and coaching are not included in the Lease cost and will be discussed prior to any shows.
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